"YES YOU CAN!" - An Inspiring Book Written By an Inspiring Lady

I heard that name a couple of years ago from my boyfriend. I even visited Ollie's parents house in Depok. But I never met Ollie in person.
From the story I heard from the stories of those that knew her in person, she is such an inspiring lady. As I Google her name one day and read a little about her from her blog posts, I was directly in love with her personality. She is very inspiring!
Ollie is a young Indonesian Muslim lady. She was able to write more than 20 books when her age is only 20 something years old. Not only that, she also managed to own several businesses in the field of book publishing, computer technology, and her newest business line is in business. All of that was achieved before she even reach the age 30. Amazing!!!!
Last week, I went to Gramedia book store, the biggest book store line in Indonesia. I stumbled upon the "New Arrival" books to search inspiration for my book writing (yes, I was dreaming to get a book published for so long). And there it was! A book titled "Yes, You Can!". The title of the book catches my eyes, to be honest, because it is similar to the tagline of President Obama campaign tagline during the presidential election a coupe of years ago.
So I carefully read the cover page of the book. The writer name is Ollie. I recall that name a couple of seconds to remember who she is. At that time, I was quite confused. I felt that I heard that name before, but can't remember who.
But then, just in a quick glance, I can remember perfectly who she is. She is Ollie, an inspiring young lady which I heard about a couple of years ago. I was excited!
I flipped on the very first page of the "already opened" book in the shelf. The book store was kind enough to provide book samples so that people can read several pages before buying the books. Reading just the first page of the book, I felt very excited. I was very sure that this must be a great book. So I decided to buy it.
The book is a motivational book. But it is uniquely written. Not like any other motivational books available in the market that is written very seriously so that I will feel like reading text book or the Bible. He he he..
The book describes about Ollie's life wisdom that takes her to her current achievements. It is very lightly written but it gives strong impacts to ones motivation. Why is that? It's simply because she describes her wisdom with a true life example.
Since it is very lightly written, I managed to read the book only in a couple of hours. The book is so fun to read. Once you start reading, you just can't stop!
"Yes, You Can!" is a highly recommended book. Especially for the youth who is ready to create a series of success during their young days.
Dream, Believe, and Make It Happen..
Lots of love,