Boxing Day

In the past, boxing day is just an ordinary one day after Christmas when the wealthy people of the Britain will give a box containing gifts to their servants. Today, as the atmosphere of Christmas has not fade yet, Boxing Day seems to raise the excitement on December for its shopping excitement. Being held just one day after Christmas, Boxing Day is just being adored. People are exited to shop aggressively due to the great big discount every shop offered. It is the time where shops have sales, often with dramatic price reduction.
This shopping moment is also adored by international students like my friends and I. Friends are exited and planning to shop together on this moment of shop. In fact, some of my friends living in a smaller city prefer to stay for some days in a bigger city to achieve better shopping deals. This craziness of sale and discount seems to transform the shopping ego of every individuals becoming irrational.
Living in Glasgow, as one of the big cities in Scotland, I am lucky enough to be able to experience the atmosphere of a great boxing day sale. To be honest, I was not prepared to shop aggressively. I have known already what I wish to buy to avoid my irrational shopping that leads me to broke afterwards. My flat mate however is so exited about this boxing day. She gathers information about which shops got great discounts, and what time each shops opens. It surprise that some shops are even open at 5 am in the morning. God..! Even the sun shines at around 7 in Glasgow.
Anyway, my flat mate went to the city center before 8am. It is also because after hearing my advice not to go there too early. I decided to go a bit late for this sale. So I went out to the city center at around 10am. I arrived at the city center a couple of minutes later. I was not surprise seeing many people bringing big shopping bags filled with many products with massive discount promotion written in their shopping bag. Girls, boys, young, old, all were exited about the sale.
Since I have known already what I want to buy, I decided to just take a walk to many shops to observe the craziness of sale. In Apple Store, I can see many people lining up to enter the store. It seems that this shop limits the amount of people entering the shop to prevent the unexpected things to happen. For ordinary middle brands like New Look, Topshop, H&M, and such, the discounts were not that surprising in my opinion. The products that are sold in discount are also very limited. In addition, the products discounted are the old products that it seems to be needed for them to sell quick. For the clothing line, it seems that "NEXT" offers great discounts. I can see many people in the street carrying a NEXT shopping bag.
The high end products in another hand, offers such a great discounts. Gucci for instance, offers discount up to 50%. The shop are very crowded by many people wanting to buy their high end luxury goods. Mulberry also got great deal. In fact, their stores are nearly empty because people are aggressively buying their products. You can get a Mulberry Alexa for GBP 477 discounted from GBP 795. Damn... If my status is not a student with limited amount of money to spend here, I will definitely buy that bag.