A Woderfull Moment Called ARISAN

13:37 Handini Audita 0 Comments

Every woman in Indonesia must know what Arisan is.. But, for those who lives outside Indonesia and might not know what Arisan is, I would share it in this post.

Arisan is more pf a gathering. Commonly, it is done by woman. So, woman of certain groups will gather in one place. The aim is simply to gather and meet with friends.

Why arisan..???

Well the first reason is to give time for "self pleasure". When we meet with friends, happiness is what we get. we can laugh, share experience, share knowledge, or even have fun with each other. It is a very high self pleasure when we have the opportunity to have fun together with our friends. In daily life, we are so busy with each other life. So, when there is no event such like arisan, we won't be able to meet with our friends.

The second reason is for investment. Well, every month, on Arisan, we have to save a certain amount of money. This amount of money is collected and will be given to the winner every month. Every member of the arisan has the same opportunity to win the round. The names of the members is selected randomly until the arisan round period ended..

Well, I personally have an Arisan group. It consists of my very best friends in college. we meet every month for this arisan. We love doing it, and will continue to do it forever.. hahahahaha..

I love you all so much girls...
See you Every Month on Arisan..

With love,
Handini Audita