Fail Changes

08:18 Handini Audita 1 Comments

People can be encouraged to change, but if the structure of the system in which the individuals work does not support them or allow enough flexibility, improvement efforts will fail.
Similarly, if the organization’s governance, policies, structures, time frames, and resource allocation are changed but the individuals within the organization do not have opportunities to learn how to work within the new system, the improvement effort will fail.”


Succesfull Performence

08:16 Handini Audita 0 Comments

The sign of a successful performance review is an employee who leaves the meeting feeling motivated and excited about his or her job. If the employee’s job satisfaction needs are unmet, it’s less likely they will be motivated to focus on your goals for the company.
But if an employee feels acknowledged, appreciated, and fairly rewarded for past efforts, he or she will indeed become a valuable asset to the future success of the company.


Intensive Preperation Program

19:19 Handini Audita 0 Comments

Thank God I was fully accepted as an IUP Student in the Gadjah Mada University. I was so happy. The letter give by IUP which told me that I was accepted as one of the student there, I couldn't be happier. To be one of the student in Gadjah Mada University is what I want and what I dream of since long time ago.
Before I start my story, I would like to say sorry because I haven't wrote anything in my blog for a very long time. I was so busy preparing my UAN and the test for IUP. I do not want to fail.
After I was accepted in the IUP, I joined the IPP which stands for Intensive Preperation Programe. It is a very good programe to increase our TOEFL and also to make our English better.
I have found a lot of good friends here. They are really nice. They never laugh if we make a mistake. They are very easy going also. We get along with each other very quick. I felt like having a new family.
The teachers are very qualified. They are very nice. What is given in this programe is very usefull for me. It is very interesting. We are also looking forward to meet more new friends who didn't join the IPP.